Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I have forgot to inform you this from the beginning. the reason why im makin this blogg is for 2.things acually.first, im actually here to tell you my story of a depressed kid and how his life goes.most of you guy dont know how it feels to have the devil on your shoulder so im going to give you a guide through my life to see all of the ups and downs in my everyday life. heh you could just call it a novel.second, im going to give you guys a heads up on upcoming activities such as games and movies stuff like that. Im also going to provide trailers,walkthroughs, even information about it from assistants, managers, etc. so thats bacically it. oh yeah and feel free to ask questions on what you guys want to know about me. im ace n im out

Thursday, May 3, 2012


God is a concept by which we measure our pain~ John Lennon
  The way I see things in life with my eyes, is a swimming pool of darkness (and I cant swim).So I picture it as a challenge that I have to swim through, but it also brings pain and suffering into my body.Today I tried to swim through the pool of darkness. It was a nice swim but i still had to cross some blocks in my way but I got through it though...until...I finally lost my consentration and failed to keep going.But it wasent my falt though it was other people who has forced me to drown but still I blame myself for letting them drown me. if I continue to keep this up then i wont be able to ever come back from the darkness. also I will loose all of my comrads from back in the day.They have already swam through freely and im the only one whose still at the starting end. Im not going to be held back with this low of confidence any more. Imma come back fearless like a brick wall. no one is going to take me down. pain doesent affect me anymore its just second nature to me now.I have became painless. thats a life of an immortal. oh yeah look at the video of confidence

Monday, April 30, 2012

slow drained

 I have noticed the more I seal my confidence deep inside me, the more harder it is to get it back out of its cage. Even if I force the confidence outta me, the me that is use to this depression doesent want to take it out ( how sad ). but sometimes I fought through the depression and took a peice of my confidence  and self esteem out. but just in a day or two i just get trap all over again.The only way that imma win this fight is to convice my depression side to notice that its not depressed no more. Even in humor I always find a reason to be depressed. If it wasent for the bull that I had to put up with. . .

Sunday, April 29, 2012


    My name . . .is not important. you could just call me Ace. I am in my mid teens already, and i am yet living in a dead body. what I mean is that I've been witnessed in a whole bunch of depressing, emotinal, and flabbergasting conflicts. Belive it or not I should be dead by now. I should be a dead body drifting in the waters, A student on the ground under a car, a emo hun by a belt in his closet; but I refused to let the darkness inside me. I am as quiet as a mouse, but still Im ignored as a rock with no minerals. I have 4 brothers and 1 sister, and the house is always full. the only person who actually is intrested in what i have to say is the lil brothers. they are exited to know haw was my day at school. but sometimes they could be a pain in the a